Fiche cheval beauty of lips

R2C1 du

plathandicap 37059krefeld2200M5500vorteilswelt-cup6 partantsdépart à 08:50
Non-partants : 1
1paedchenF34p4p4pleon wolff2.1/1
15tigertossF55p4p2p6p1pam.marie gast2.7/102:15
23aboutyourbusinessH44p7p5pandre best3.6/14 l 1/2
36avorioH115p1p4p3p3pmiguel lopez7.3/16 l
44beauty of lipsF30p8p5p8pconcetto santangelo12/13 l
52srilikeF41p4p2p5p4palexander weis3.1/12 l

R2C6 du

plathandicap 38307munich-riem2800M4000home barista-rennen11 partantsdépart à 11:27
12all about meF72p6p3p3pleon wolff6/103:01
24rowdy lipsM34p0p7p(21)4pgavin ashton14/14 l
38so chiF59p7p0p1p0pmichal abik16/11 l 1/2
45quijana starletF34p(21)7p7psarah biessey16/12 l
510ballindinasH64p3p7p5p6pmichael cadeddu8.6/12 l
69always musicF86p6p9p(21)5pwladimir panov26/11 l 1/2
71city catF41p2p3p4p0pam.claudia pledl8/11/2 l
83feuerspielM41p2p1p3plilli-marie engels3.5/18 l
911lollipopF52p5p8p(21)4pmichaela malacova14/110 l
106lili of tinsdalF45p3p7p(21)0ppatrick gibson8.5/11/2 l
117beauty of lipsF38p5p8pmartin seidl14/130 l

R3C3 du

platcourse a conditions 39266cologne2200M6000preis der fruh brauerei10 partantsdépart à 10:20
Non-partants : 10
14good lordH3Inédits.byrne8.5/102:20
23larioM33p(21)6p6pfrau s.vogt9.6/1encolure
36gualanaF3Inéditeb.murzabayev3.4/1cte tete
41airfieldM30p(21)8p3p2pa.starke4.9/14 l 1/2
58santenayF3Inéditel.wolff7.7/13/4 l
62bay of eaglesM34p4p7p(21)3pm.seidl5.8/13/4 l
79sergeantinF35p6pa.pietsch15/13 l
85beauty of lipsF35p8pj.bojko18/11 l 1/4
97lecker maedcheF30p9pm.cadeddu20/118 l
10theresia mariaF30pfrau a.v.d.troost12/1

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